Volume 69, №3, 2014
Volume 69, №3, 2014 PDF
1.Research article: Enzymes Involved In The Detoxification Of H2O2 In The Leaves And Roots Of Wheat Subjected To Long-Term Soil Drought
Author (s): I.M.Huseynova, D.R.Aliyeva, A.Ch.Mammadov, J.A. Aliyev
2.Research article: Critical Review Of The Genus Sorbus (Rosaceae) In Azerbaijan
Author (s): T.A. Gasumova, Z.S. Aliyeva, T.J. Safguliyeva
3.Research article: Antibacterial Effect Of Essential Oils From Medicinal Plants
Author (s): S. Sh. Asbaghian, E. N. Novruzov, A. Fattah
4.Research article: Study of Chemical Components of Bilacunaria microcarpa (Bieb.) M.Pimen et V.Tichomirov in Roots and Overground Parts by Chromato-Mass-Spectrometry
Author (s): N.X. Mikayilova, S.V. Sarkarov
5.Research article: Specific composition of the testate amoebae from the freshwater of the Lankaran area
Author (s): E.N.Tahirova
6.Research article: The Species Composition And Distribution Of Ichtioplancton in Mingechaur Water Reservoir
Author (s): M.M.Seid-Rzayev
7.Research article: Environmental and Biological Properties of Aeromycobiotain of Baku City
Author (s): I.A. Aliyev, Sh.F.Asadova, E.A.Ibrahimov
8.Research article: Microbial and Enzyme Activity in The Soils of The Residential Areas of Baku
Author (s): S.I. Nadjafova
9.Research article: Study Of Morphophysiological Parameters Of Wheat Cultivars In Different Growth Phases Under Salt Stress
Author (s): U.F. Ibrahimova, T.H. Garagezov
10.Research article: Classification Of Vegetation Of High Upland Territories Of The Big Caucasus
Author (s): İbadullayeva S.J., Mustafayev A.B., Shiraliyeva G.Sh.
11.Research article: Reoencephalographic Parametrs in Teenagers and Young Persons in Norm and Under Vegetocirculatory Dystonia
Author (s): U.R.Rzaev
12.Research article: Study Of Natural Vegetation Cover Of The Technogenic Polluted Territories Of Khazar And Pirallahi Regions
Author (s): T.S.Mamedov, G.G.Asadov, M.J.Gasanova
13.Research article: Study of Genetic Diversity of Accessions of Tetraploid Wheat Species Got From ICARDA by Monomer Prolamins
Author (s): H.B.Sadigov
14.Research article: Cultivation of Henna Plant Under Conditions of Indoor Greenhouse and Its Economic Profit
Author (s): T.M. Sadigov
15.Research article: The Role of the Antioxidant Defence System in Pathogenetic changes of Protein Metabolism caused by Long-term Liver Ischemia
Author (s): R.J. Kerimova
16.Research article: Morpho-Anatomical Features of Red Clover (Trifolium pratense L
Author (s): A.Huseynova, B.Aliyev, A.Sardarova
17.Research article: SİRACƏDDİN SƏRKƏROV - 80
Author (s): V.M.Əlizadə