The species composition and quantitative indicators of the sedentary birds, forming winter ornithocomplexes in the mountain-forest belt of Talish

Research article: The species composition and quantitative indicators of the sedentary birds, forming winter ornithocomplexes in the mountain-forest belt of Talish
Author (s): S.S. Rajabova
Institute of Zoology, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, A.Abbaszadeh Str., pass. 1128, block 504,
Baku AZ 1004, Azerbaijan.
For correspondence:
Received: May 31, 2020; Received in revised form: June 07, 2021; Accepted: June 16, 2021

Journal of Life Sciences & Biomedicine, vol. 3(76), No 1, p. 91-98 (2021)

The article presents materials about the species composition, the number, the density, the distribution of the sedentary birds and the factors affecting them in the mountain-forest belt of Talish in winter in 2013-2016. 54 species belonging in 6 orders are noted in the part of the winter
ornithocomplexes of the mountain-forest belt of Talish. The total number of the 54 species of the sedentary birds amounted to 149781 individuals. Of the 54 species that we noted, 8 species are rare, 17 are ordinary, 29 are numerous. 54 registered bird species have a global and national conservation status and are included in the lists of the CITES, Bonn and Bern Conventions. Only 6 (11.1%) of the 54 bird species have no conservation status. According to the species composition and the total number of the winter ornithocomplexes, the main dominant birds are the species belonging to the order of the Sparrows (Passeriformes). These birds make up 66.7% (36 species) of all registered species and 84.3% (126209 individuals) of the total number of the birds. The dominant species in terms of the number of the individuals is the Common Greenfinch (Chloris chloris). The main limiting factors are the felling the trees due to the construction of gas pipelines and roads to settlements, the creation of the recreation and the tourism zones in the forests, grazing and illegal hunting of the birds. Such an anthropogenic impact leads to a gradual reduction in the number of the habitats and places for feeding of vulnerable species.
Keywords: Talish Mountains, sedentary birds, species, number, density, factor


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