Volume 79, №2, 2024 (14 articles)

Volume 79, №2, 2024   PDF


Authors: Irada Huseynova  pdf

1.Research article: Proline accumulation and WRKY14/WRKY36 gene expression dynamics during drought-induced flag leaf senescence

Authors: Turana Isgandarova, Samira Rustamova, Tofig Allahverdiyev, Irada Huseynova    pdf

DOI:  https://doi.org/10.59849/2710-4915.2024.2.6

2.Research article: Does molecular docking between the cement protein of barnacles and resin acids open a new gate for the development of eco-friendly antifouling paint? 

Authors: Ibrahim Kirkiz, Levent Cavas  pdf

DOI:  https://doi.org/10.59849/2710-4915.2024.2.13

3.Research article: Zoology of Azerbaijan - yesterday and today

Authors: Ilham Alekperov, Natalya Snegovaya, Elyana Tahirova   pdf

DOI:  https://doi.org/10.59849/2710-4915.2024.2.33 

4.Research article: The impact of climate change on phytocenoses in the mountainous part of Talysh

Authors: Elshad Gurbanov, Sanubar Aslanova, Asmar Huseynova   pdf

DOI:  https://doi.org/10.59849/2710-4915.2024.2.46

5.Research article: Global climate variability and critical problems of Nakhchivan AR biodiversity

Authors: Tariyel Talibov   pdf

DOI:  https://doi.org/10.59849/2710-4915.2024.2.52 

6.Research article: Taxonomic composition and distribution of oat (Avena L.) species in Azerbaijan

Authors: Aydin Asgarov, Gunel Guliyeva   .pdf

DOI:  https://doi.org/10.59849/2710-4915.2024.2.59

7.Research article: Characteristics of general and phytopathogenic mycobiota of dry subtropical fruit plants cultivated in Azerbaijan

Authors: Konul Bakshaliyeva, Gultekin Arabova, Sevil Suleymanova, Panah Muradov    pdf

DOI:  https://doi.org/10.59849/2710-4915.2024.2.68

8.Research article: “Year of solidarity for the Green World”: the importance of zoological research for biodiversity conservation in Azerbaijan

Authors: Aladdin Eyvazov     pdf

DOI:  https://doi.org/10.59849/2710-4915.2024.2.75

9.Research article: Combined effect of TYLCV infection and drought mitigates stress in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) through the modulation of antioxidant enzymes

Authors: Samra Mirzayeva   pdf

DOI:  https://doi.org/10.59849/2710-4915.2024.2.80

10.Research article: COP29 is a global manifestation of solidarity for a green world

Authors: Vagif Novruzov   pdf

DOI:  https://doi.org/10.59849/2710-4915.2024.2.87

11.Research article: Assessment of the impact of global climate change on soil degradation in Azerbaijan

Authors: Garib Mammadov, Movlud Teymurov    pdf

DOI:  https://doi.org/10.59849/2710-4915.2024.2.94

12.Research article: The problems of desertification of soil-plant cover as consequences of climate change

Authors: Tubukhanim Gasimzade    pdf

DOI:  https://doi.org/10.59849/2710-4915.2024.2.102

13.Research article: Molecular study of IDUA, IDS, GALNS and GLB1 gene mutations in the Azerbaijan population

Authors: Sevda Alizada, Shirkhan Musayev, Elkhan Rasulov  pdf

DOI: https://doi.org/10.59849/2710-4915.2024.2.114

14.Research article: Biocomprehensive Ecomonitoring of Tilia cordata Mill. to assess the quality of the urban environment

Authors: Minara Hasanova, Gulnara Aidarkhanova    pdf

DOI:  https://doi.org/10.59849/2710-4915.2024.2.120